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#1 Oral Spray Vitamins and Supplements
Why Buy Wholesale?

VitaMist offers wholesale pricing to those who want to buy our products in bulk and then sell them to your audience at a great profit margin. It's a "win-win-win".

Partner With Us

As an independent wholesaler of our high-quality oral spray supplements, you will also become partner with our company, our brand, and our products.

Become a Wholesaler

Our company invented and patented oral spray supplements over 40 years ago, join us as a wholesaler and receive bulk pricing on our entire line of quality products.

#1 Oral Spray Vitamins and Supplements
Wholesaler Opportunities

Our wholesale program is perfect for anyone who services a specific audience such as Retailers, Distributors, Practioners, Consultants, and more.

Great Customer Service

We support you in every aspect of being a wholesaler so you can succeed, including providing you with a fast response to all of your order and delivery inquiries.

Help Selling Our Sprays

Our company invented oral spray supplements, and will use all of our experience and resources help you with sell our products in volume with confidence.

Wholesale Inquiry

To inquire about becoming a Wholesaler, please call us at (800) 582-5273 or email us at

"VitaMist is a company that I truly love to work with. I highly recommend their oral spray supplements. I use them myself and give them to my whole family. They are a brand that I really feel good about using and recommending."

Customer Testimonial 1 - Oral Spray Vitamins and Supplement Oral Sprays
Dani B.Admin Assistant

"I recently discovered VitaMist as a alternative to capsule and gummy vitamins. As a doctor, sublingual supplements are much more proven and effective. This brand offers the very best on the market that I have come across."

Customer Testimonial 2 - Oral Spray Vitamins and Supplement Oral Sprays
Allan R.Physician

"I have been using VitaMist sprays for years, and buy them for all of my friends and family. There are a lot of mass produced vitamins out there that use bad ingredients and fillers. But these are organic, non-GMO, non-MSG, etc."

Customer Testimonial 3 - Oral Spray Vitamins and Supplement Oral Sprays
Paula M.Marketing Manager

"I signed up for the VitaMist subscription plan, and now I get my vitamins delivered right to my door without having to remember to go to the store. These spray vitamins taste great, work instantly, and never upset my stomach!"

Customer Testimonial 4 - Oral Spray Vitamins and Supplement Oral Sprays
Ryan W.Engineer

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Benefits of Becoming a Wholesaler
There are many benefits to becoming an oral spray supplements wholesaler. One of these includes a substantial cost savings when purchasing oral spray vitamins and supplements in bulk directly from the supplements manufacturer. Second, is the ease of ordering and receiving vitamin oral sprays and supplement oral sprays directly from the manufacturer. This helps streamline operations and keep up with supplements demand. This also helps to lower the upfront costs, and let’s a supplements distributor focus on selling the supplements to their customers without having to think about shortages. Last, the supplements manufacturer can assist in the supplements sales process and offer proven techniques for selling its vitamins and supplements.