Why Vitamin D Is Important To Our Body
Many people are already familiar with Vitamin D aka the “sunshine vitamin”, whether it’s from fortified orange juice bottles or from that joyful feeling of relaxing in the sunshine. Yet Vitamin D is considered to be a “nutrient of public health concern”, because so people have low Vitamin D intakes, and low intakes are associated with many health concerns. That’s because Vitamin D benefits extend far beyond those few luxurious moments we spend synthesizing Vitamin D3 in the sun. Low Vitamin D intake is associated with many health risks, and yet data shows that 29% of the population is Vitamin D deficient and 41% are Vitamin D insufficient. Not only that, but 95% of all adults don’t get enough Vitamin D from their diet. Those are pretty high numbers considering the many important roles Vitamin D plays in our overall health. Given Vitamin D deficiencies are common, it’s worth noting which deficiency symptoms to look for, how to choose the best Vitamin D supplement that might be right for you, and exactly how much Vitamin D should one take.
Why Vitamin D Is Important
Vitamin D is an essential, fat-soluble vitamin that plays many essential roles in the body. It is vital to bone health and plays crucial roles in both the immune and muscle systems as well.
Vitamin D Is Essential For Bone Health
Vitamin D is probably best known for its role in normal bone development, maintenance, growth, and remodeling. Basically everything bone, teeth, and skeleton system, and all those bones that protect your heart, brain, and lungs. Specifically, Vitamin D helps the body both absorb and utilize Calcium. If we aren’t consuming enough Calcium, then the body will steal it from our bones, eventually causing them to become weaker. Getting enough Vitamin D is essential for making sure the body can absorb and use Calcium, especially as we age.
Vitamin D Is Significant In Muscle Health Too
Vitamin D plays a significant role in muscle function as well. Vitamin D is needed for normal muscle development and in supporting muscle strength and performance. One study on athletes showed a positive association between Vitamin D blood levels and muscle power, jump height, and jump velocity. In older adults, daily Vitamin D supplementation showed beneficial effects on both strength and balance.
Vitamin D Plays Key Roles In Immunity Health As Well
Vitamin D plays a variety of roles in immunity health and is often known as an immune support supplement. The immune system has two primary systems (innate and adaptive) and Vitamin D is critical to the optimal function of both. Vitamin D is one of the most popular “immune support vitamins” and since the body mostly gets Vitamin D through exposed skin to the sun, it is often not enough. It is estimated that 95% of people don't get enough Vitamin D from their diet alone, and nearly 33% are Vitamin D deficient. Vitamin D coupled with Magnesium is also important to immunity, Magnesium is an essential mineral that supports good health, and Vitamin D aids in Magnesium absorption.
Vitamin D: How Much is Enough?
So, how much Vitamin D is enough? The Recommended Dietary Allowance for Vitamin D depends on age. From ages 1 to 70, the recommended daily intake of Vitamin D is 15 mcg. Above age 70, it increases to 20 mcg. Of course, this can also be affected by geographical location and how it relates to daily sunlight exposure.